100 Days To Financial Success Will
Compress Decades of Expertise Into Days So You Can Survive And Thrive In These Uncertain & Chaotic Times 
Are you serious and want to succeed
financially in the next 6-12 months?
Are you serious and want to succeed financially in the next 6-18 months?
From the desk of John Assaraf
San Diego, California

Dear Friend,

We've been living through the most serious global crisis in many years.

For me, it has felt a lot like the global financial crisis of 2008, or from 9/11. 

There's a key difference, though: This crisis is bigger, will last longer, and is causing the biggest change to the way the world works that has ever happened in history.

In the next 6-18 months or less, some people will see their incomes, investments, business revenues, and personal comforts shift back by 5 years or more. Many will go bankrupt. (Many already have.)

At the same time, those who master their mindset and emotions and focus while applying the right strategies will see their lives and financial success soar and move ahead 5 years. (We've seen this already, too.)

How do I know this? Because with the help of my mentors, I’ve flourished through every major recession and setback in the last 40 years.

Which do you want for yourself and your family?

"Change Your Brain... Change Your Financial Results."
We all know what's going on... so no sugar coating here:
  • ​The world is in a state of chaos and the future is more uncertain than ever...
  • Political tensions are rising and partisanship is at an all time high...
  • Tens of millions of people are out of work...
  • People around the world are struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table...
  • There has been a significant spike in deaths of despair, drug use, and suicide... 
  • Hundreds of thousands of small businesses, and a few larger ones, are simply not going to make it...
  • ​​People are worried, uncertain, and fearful (rightfully so) that these conditions will set them back years...
  • And, the situation is getting worse every day...
There are some things I need to tell you—and they might not be easy to hear—but they are VITAL for you to know in this time of crisis.
Some people will not be ready to hear or accept these facts. Others will agree and choose to make the most of the opportunity that is presenting itself.

Before we dive in, I want to make two promises to you…

1) I will tell you the truth. You deserve to know what’s really going on, and I won’t sugarcoat it. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear, but it’s absolutely critical that you have all the facts about the state of the world so you can make the important decisions.Time is of the essence.

2) There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There are dark times ahead, but what I have to say is not all doom and gloom. In fact, it’s just the opposite. But to see the light at the end of the tunnel we need to discuss some uncomfortable things so we know 1) what to expect and, 2) how to deal with it.

Are You Ready? Let's begin...
The first thing you should know is that in bad times (crisis, conflict, recession or even depressions) things can move faster than they do in good times.

This means that you’ll feel the effect of anything you do (or don’t do) more quickly, and that the results will be more intense.

If you don’t know how to focus and masterfully manage your emotions during these crazy times, you will needlessly experience an excess of stress, anxiety, fear and in many cases financial loss that is hard to recover from. 

Not knowing how to manage your emotions and focus may lead to abrupt behaviors or cause you to freeze and not take any kind of constructive action when you need it most (like right now). 
For example, consider the March moves in the stock market. Massive plunges followed by huge gains that swiftly turned around and plunged again only to rise rapidly again within 72 hours. Things moved FAST and were extremely unpredictable.

And this speed was not limited to the stock market, nor has it stopped: it’s happening in every country, in almost every industry, and has affected almost every single person on the planet.

If you are a business owner, you’ve been impacted. If you own real estate, you've been impacted. If you are retired or have a job...your security has just been compromised.

The truth is that the whole world changed in a matter of weeks.

And, this change is going to continue. (Many brilliant people actually think the rate of change will accelerate.)

The strategies that worked a year ago won’t necessarily work today.

When the world changes so fast, you have to stay calm and flow and change with it. You MUST adapt quickly or risk big financial losses and a lot of personal pain and suffering.

One of the greatest skills you can develop right now is what I call... 

Being an adaptationist. 

Our brains hate change. We hate being forced to adapt when our life is uprooted, and we hate the uncertainty and unpredictability that is dominating our lives right now. Unfortunately, this is our new reality and fighting it, is a losing battle.

I know that’s hard to hear. My intention is not to frighten you, only to get across how serious this situation is so you take action NOW to protect yourself (and your family), and to prepare for the coming wave of financial opportunity.

The stock market is just one example where massive changes, confusion, and opportunity will be found. The 2 others are in real estate and in business. 

Millions of people are unemployed and more businesses are shuttering their doors every day. The sad part is that many of these businesses had a really good chance to succeed until the world got turned upside down. Businesses that don’t have the right mindset and skill set to innovate and adapt quickly will suffer a deadly blow, that will negatively affect the employees, owners, and all their families for years to come.

The second thing you should know is this:

In the next 9-18 months, there are 3 basic paths your life, business, career, and finances can follow:

1. Things can get worse. Much Worse...
2. Things can stay about the same...
3, Things can get better. Way Better...

Your mindset, skillset and actions (or lack of action) will determine which path your life follows.

Have a look at this “3 Possible Futures” diagram created by my friend Simon Bowen, Founder of the Models Method:

...you need to take immediate action.

Many people have already gone quite far down the “getting worse” path and have lost YEARS worth of financial gains, savings, or lost a job they held for years and in some cases decades. Many have been forced to close their business or are on the brink right now.

People in this situation have what I call is a “bleeding neck” -- and they need to take immediate action to ‘stop the bleeding’ or risk moving several years further back.

In times of crisis the first thing you need to do is stabilize and protect your health and financial position. Doing this moves you from the “getting worse” to the “stay the same” path.

After you’ve stabilized, you can move yourself to the “getting better” path by setting yourself up for long term success.

This brings me to the third thing you need to know: Times of crisis are always followed by times of massive opportunity. Many say that the opportunities that arise will always be as big or bigger than the crisis.

Uber, Pinterest, Slack, Square, Instagram and many other startups were all started right around the 2008-2009 recession.

Arguably the most famous expert on success, Napoleon Hill, said:

This is undoubtedly true, but what most people miss about this truth is that…

...to get the greater benefit you have to look for it and act upon it.

Merely thinking about it or talking about it won't do much.

Rarely does the benefit of adversity fall into your lap without you doing anything.

Adversity, failure, heartache--these things create opportunity.

And, if you’re aware of this, and focused on how you can your adversity into opportunity...

...you’ll find a way.

So, ask yourself this important question (and be honest): as this global crisis continues to unfold, will your situation get better, stay about the same…

...or get worse?

If your situation is going to stay the same or get worse and you want to DO something about it, pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you...

There Are 3 Key Areas You Must Focus On and Apply To Survive and Thrive in Difficult & Uncertain Times
Much of the world is in a state of panic and fear.

Panic and fear are leading to inaction or irrationality because people simply don’t know what to do or how to do it.

They don’t have a plan, a blueprint for moving forward. Not mentally. Not emotionally. And in many cases, not financially.
Many people are “reacting” without thinking, which often makes their situation worse.

In addition, the crisis is developing at an alarming rate, making the cost of inaction (or the wrong action) higher than ever.

The only way to successfully navigate fast-moving, difficult times like these is to respond with deliberate intention (instead of reacting or not doing anything).

The successful execution of any strategy requires the right mindset and emotional control.
You can have the perfect plan and all the knowledge, skills, and resources to accomplish it, but if you can’t put the plan into action and see it through until the end...it’s useless.

This is true even in the best of times when your emotional state isn’t being relentlessly assaulted by bad news.

When the world is in crisis, it’s even more important to maintain the right mindset, focus, and emotional control. 

Unfortunately, it’s also the most difficult time to do so.
When your mental, emotional, physical and financial well being is all at risk… Your brain goes into overdrive and produces a constant stream of stress hormones which leads to either freezing, running away from the situation, or trying to fight your way out.

These natural reactions are built into our biology.

Now is the time to be calm so you can respond intelligently and methodically instead of abruptly.

Mindset and emotional control is a key part of this program. Putting you in charge of your mindset and emotions so you can act with intention is one of the first things we’ll do.

The methods you’ll learn are based on a mountain of scientific research that I--with input from many other brain experts--have distilled into a powerful and practical program.

You’ll learn how to move away from chaos, frustration, doubt, fear, stress, lack of know how, lack of certainty--all the things that are causing your physical, mental, and emotional suffering.

We’ll take decades of expertise and compress it into 100 days in this accelerated program so you can take the action you need to survive and thrive--starting now.

Mindset and emotional control is the foundation, the engine that allows you to create and implement a plan to weather this storm and profit when the clouds clear and the sun shines again.
The world has been going through a change, transitioning to a “new economy” -- and the most savvy and brave are already investing in new skills that will allow them to thrive in what’s to come.
  • Now is a time for leaders to emerge...
  • ​For new, better businesses to spring into life and serve their communities and the world...
  • For flaws in the way the world works to be exposed and fixed...
I predict that this crisis will cause a tsunami of innovation, new technology, new business models, and explosive growth in a huge variety of industries like education, biotechnology, 3-D printing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and more.

The result of our collective experience of crisis will be absolutely astounding changes to the world.

The question you should be asking yourself is…

“Where do I fit into all this? How can I make a DIFFERENCE?”

Most people aren’t thinking like this.
It’s natural to retreat in this type of environment.

But the people who decide to LEAN IN to the fear and uncertainty, and use it as an opportunity…

...those people will change the world.

Not only will they help themselves, they’ll help everyone around them in a BIG way.

Now is the time to upgrade your knowledge and your skills. The time to create a plan and put it into action so you can catch the coming wave of financial opportunity.

In this program you’ll learn a huge number of vital skills so you can make a difference during this crisis and create massive success for yourself and the people around you.
As I said earlier, this global crisis is developing at an alarming rate.

You need to take immediate action, and be prepared to pivot as the situation develops.

When the world changes, you need to change with it…

...or suffer the consequences.
The threat to your wealth, health, and future are very real right now. Everyone--even those taking action--are feeling the strain.

But those taking action now will emerge from this crisis stronger and better prepared to flourish than anyone else on the planet.

You can be one of these people, and help those around you prepare, too.

This is NOT a situation where only a few people can win.

This is NOT the time to only ‘fend for yourself’.

Now is the time to come together. To help each other rise as we climb.

Together we are stronger and better.

Together we are bigger than this challenge and we need to help each other now more than ever before.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in my life is that the best way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. 

When we work together–as friends, as partners, as a community, or as a species–we’re able to accomplish so much more than we could on our own.

The reason times of crisis are also times of opportunity is because people need help.

NOW is the time to help. When I needed help, My mentors showed me the way through the crisis and uncertainty. 

Now I am able to help others.

NOW is the time to make a difference.

Now is the time to go above and beyond, to over-deliver, to go out of your way to take action for the good of everyone.

Most people aren’t doing this.

If you want to be part of the less than 3% of people who ARE…

...this program is for you.

You'll Discover Exactly What You Must Do in These 3 Key Areas So You Act In a Smart, Safe, and Methodical Way To Achieve Your Financial Goals Faster and Easier Than Ever Before...

If you are ready, I‘ll show you the path to not only survive...but THRIVE.

I’ll tell you about the program in detail soon, but first I want you to understand how this program came to be, and why it’s special.

This program was born because, before this coronavirus virus emerged, I was planning to host my popular 2 day live, MONEY²: The NeuroScience of Financial Success event in April.

As the virus spread, me and my team had a discussion and decided that we needed to pivot and adapt (remember what I said earlier about changing as the world changes?)...

...so we cancelled the live event and decided to offer the event virtually over 100 days and add even more content and coaching and pack it with as much extra value as we possibly could.

Like I said before, “now is the time to go above and beyond, to over-deliver, to go out of your way to take action for the good of everyone.”

(If you haven’t noticed, I live by what I say. This isn’t theoretical--I am putting this stuff into action in my company and my life every day.)
Going virtual had several benefits…

1. Nobody had to fly to San Diego, which allows for social distancing...

2. More people could join the program because we weren’t limited by the size of the conference room at the Hilton Del Mar...

3. We could spread out the teaching time over 100 days (instead of packing it into a 2 day event)...

4. We could invite more experts than normal because we didn't have to convince them to fly to San Diego, they just had to join a video call...

5. And perhaps best of all, the cost of putting on the event was no longer a factor, so we were able to lower the price for each attendee by several thousand dollars and make it affordable for the people who need it most...

As I’m writing this I’m thinking of even more benefits to the virtual format (like how we were able to easily record all of the training calls), but I think you get the idea.
(By the way, I’ll give you a complete overview of the trainings in a few minutes.)

The 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program quickly became one of the most raved about programs NeuroGym has ever created.

Put simply, people LOVED it.

And, because we recorded everything, you can get complete access to the program right now.

All the trainings, resources, experts, bonuses, and more can be at your fingertips in a matter of minutes. No waiting for the next training if you're hungry for more, and no feeling like you're getting left behind if you're not ready. You can go at your own pace, and get support from the community whenever you need it.

So, that covers how the 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program came to be. Now I want to talk about…

...what makes this program special.

There are many smart and successful people teaching courses and programs right now about how to thrive during times of crisis.

Unfortunately, most other programs focus disproportionately on the knowledge and skills component.

Knowledge and skills are important--they’re a big part of this program too--but they’re pointless if you don’t have the mindset that will allow you to put those skills to work in a useful way.

If you’re overwhelmed by fear, panic, stress, and uncertainty, you’ll react instead of respond and make poor choices, or freeze and not make any choice at all.

Additionally, you need to have the right plan of action first so you can develop skills that will help with your specific goals.

Learning a ton of random skills is interesting and has the potential to be useful, but lacks the certainty that is necessary in fast moving times of crisis.
Right now you need to be laser-focused on the most important things, what I call “high impact activities”.

To use an analogy, you could buy all the best power tools in the world, but if you never use them you won’t make anything, if you use them without a plan chances are you won’t build anything of value, and if you use them incorrectly you could injure yourself by mistake.

This program builds a strong foundation in mindset and emotional control so you can create a plan of action, learn the most important skills, and quickly put them to use in your life.

The mindset and emotional control component is so powerful, but is often misunderstood, so let’s take a closer look at how this crisis is affecting your mindset, and why you need to take control.

Your brain’s highest priorities are survival, energy conservation, and the avoidance of pain and discomfort.
When your brain senses a threat--whether it’s real or imagined--you experience fear, panic, doubt, worry, anxiety, or some other form of mental, emotional, or physical distress.

This is a built in survival mechanism to make you take immediate action to avoid threats.

In many situations (the classic is if you are confronted by a sabertooth tiger) taking immediate action and either fighting or running away is the best course of action.

But in a complicated crisis like the one we are currently experiencing, this kind of reactionary thinking only causes more problems.

You cannot run away from or fight a virus or an economic crisis.

These situations require careful thought and planning. Something that’s impossible to do if you are in an active state of panic because you sense a threat to your safety (whether it be mental, emotional, physical, or financial safety).

Now, here’s something important to understand...

Most people think that when something happens it makes them feel a certain way, but this simply isn’t true.

There is a hidden middle step.

Your mental state is caused by your reaction to things that happen, not the things themselves.

Most people think it happens like this:
Event → How You Feel
But it actually happens like this:
Event → Internal Process and Meanings → How You Feel

Now, you don’t have much control over the events in your life. Most things are outside of human control.

Just to name a few examples: You can’t control when or where you were born, the body you were born into, who your parents are, that you age, if you had a good or bad childhood, what the other 7 billion people on the planet do, the weather, the economy, viruses, the fact that humans are fragile and eventually succumb to old age or disease and die, and frankly, a lot of other things.

You can do things to influence these things: for example, you can live a healthy lifestyle so you live longer. If you had a rough childhood, you can work with a therapist or pursue personal development. Or, if it’s raining, you can put on a raincoat.

One thing you definitely DO have control over, though, is the “Internal Process” you go through and the “Meaning” you assign to an event.

When it rains, you can be unhappy. Or, you can be happy.

The fact that it’s raining doesn’t imply that you will feel one way or the other.

Nor does the act of putting on a raincoat.

The same is true for ALL things--you can exercise control over how you feel and thus how you think and behave as a result of what happens in your life.
There’s a way to stay calm and in control no matter what is happening around you or to you.

THAT is the real power of mindset. Almost nobody teaches how to do this, and even fewer teach a method that’s based on research and cutting-edge neuroscience.

That’s one of the many things that makes the 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program truly unique and special.

I’m going to teach you everything you need to exercise control over your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors so you can not only survive but thrive in these difficult and uncertain times.

And, what you’ll learn will be just as valuable when these hard times are over.

What you learn will serve you for the rest of your life, and make the quality of that life much higher.


Because you’ll be able to achieve your biggest goals and dreams faster and easier than ever before.

Do you want to travel the world? Spend more time with your family and friends? Have more time for your hobbies, or the charities that touch your heart?

Do you want to grow your business? Double, triple, or even 10x your income? Write a best selling book? Know that you’ll be able to retire with more than enough money to live a life filled with fun and happiness, and take care of the people who are most important to you?

All of this–and just about anything else you could imagine–is possible.

I will show you how!

Here are some of the many things you’ll discover and apply in the program:
  • Rigorously tested, evidence based principles and techniques to eliminate any mental or emotional blockages you have...
  • Uncover and eliminate the limiting beliefs, habits, fears and any negative emotions or self-esteem issues that are subconsciously sabotaging your efforts...
  • Powerful neuroscience based techniques that will rapidly upgrade your self-worth and 3x your self confidence...
  • You'll Recognize and Release The Inner C.R.A.P. That Is Now Holding You Back! – Conflicts, Resistance, Anxiety and Problems (i.e. Procrastination, Stress and Motivation). Discover the latest, easiest, fastest, and best ways to get rid of the stories and excuses that keep you stuck...
  • How to develop the right mindset and habits for maximum revenue, profit, and income in the next 6-18 months....
  • You’ll also uncover your big “why” – There are two types of whys people have related to goals. The first level is easy to identify – “I want to earn $500,000 because then I could travel as much as I’d like and save a lot of money for retirement.” But there’s a bigger why in play, too … and this why is what fuels our passion and commitment. Your why might be so that you can live with total freedom. Or maybe it’s because achieving a certain income level would allow you to impact the world in a big way via charitable giving and doing
  • You will create a step by step customized mindset and emotional mastery plan of action to apply daily....
  • You’ll discover The 5 Pillars to Financial Success that every multi-millionaire and billionaire must have in order to reach the pinnacle of wealth.
  • Learn how to set goals and action plans that your brain will help you follow through on instead of sabotage....
  • You’ll learn the “Pile vs Stream” method to wealth creation and how you can use one or both to accelerate your income and wealth by 200-500%...
  • Explore the S.T.T.T.R. Method to ensure you achieve every financial goal you set no matter what obstacles are in your way...
  • "The Decisional Hierarchy System” will help you choose the best wealth creation vehicle specifically for you versus following the crowd hoping, wishing, and praying that something will work. You’ll stop wasting precious time and resources on foolish ideas and on things you should not be doing. We’ll review real estate, business growth, stock market and more as options for you to consider for building your wealth...
  • I’ll help you create milestone achievement marks for all aspects of your financial life so your income and revenues grow if you have a business...
  • You’ll learn 2 methods to pay off debt sooner while saving you thousands of dollars in interest so your net worth grows faster than ever before and so you’re able to save for your kids’ college education at the finest private schools...

Who Is This Program For?

The 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program is NOT for you if joining the program will take food off of your table or gas out of your vehicle’s gas tank. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ program--such programs do not exist...
However, the 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program is for you if you have money you want to protect and grow during and after this crisis...
You’re looking to create and benefit from the opportunities that this environment is creating...
You aren’t sure what to do, but you know something can be done and are ready to do it...

You want to supercharge your financial life or business…. and you want to help your family, your community, and the world...

Finally, the 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program is for you if you are ready to live life on your own terms and have financial freedom that allows you to make an impact, do what you want, and achieve your biggest goals and dreams...

Here’s A Detailed Overview of Everything Included When You Join The Program Now
8 In-Depth Trainings With John Assaraf ($7,500 Value)
Our video based virtual training sessions will cover everything you need to know to manage your mindset and emotions as you position yourself to earn more and take advantage of the most difficult times any of us has ever been through

Not only will you discover how to survive and get by, you’ll discover how to set yourself up to ride the coming wave of financial opportunity.

Whether or not you have a business, are employed, have lost your job, or are retired, you will learn everything you need to stay calm and focused to recover and win big in this program.

Here’s a small taste of what you’ll learn and apply…

  • Why your self worth determines your net worth and how to upgrade it fast…
  • How to develop a powerful money mindset…
  • The 4 key obstacles to financial success and how to overcome them…
  • A foolproof process to achieve all your financial goals…
  • The power of Innercising and priming your brain for financial success…


The Neuroscience Of Financial Success

  • How to activate the genius part of your brain so you take inspired action to earn more income and wealth
  • How your subconscious and conscious work to help or hinder you
  • ​How to manage the stress, worry and fear center


Setting and Achieving Your Financial Goals

  • Highly Effective Methods for Setting and Achieving Your Financial Goals and Dreams
  • ​The 1(cubed) Process
  • ​The STTTR Process for Guaranteed Results
  • ​How to Develop a Predictable Success Plan
  • ​How to Leverage the Tools and Resources You Have


The Unlimited Wealth & Success Model Part 1

  • The 5 Pillars of Financial Success
  • Lear to Earn More, Manage Better, Invest Wisely, Protect Your Wealth
  • ​How to Get Out of Debt Fast And Use Debt To Your Advantage


The Unlimited Wealth & Success Model Part 2

  • The 5 Keys to Managing Your Money Better
  • ​How You Can Redirect the Focus of Your Subconscious Mind, by Emphasizing Certain Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors And Invest Wisely


The Unlimited Wealth & Success Model Part 3

  • How to protect your assets and why it's so important
  • ​2 ways to get out of debt
  • ​How you might be using debt the wrong way and how to use debt the right way


Your Habits and Rituals for Success

  • Diving deeper into the GOPA Method for Success
  • ​Identifying the daily, weekly and monthly rituals and habits you need to reach even greater success
  • ​How to best use the S.E.M.P. Model for success


Winning the Inner Game

  • How to release the ANTs and replace them with APTs
  • ​The G.O.O.P. Process for goal achievement
  • ​And how to have more self-discipline


Your Unstoppable Action Plan

  • Putting it All Together for Unlimited Financial Success and Abundance
  • ​The Secret to Taking Consistent Action Toward Your Biggest Goals and Dreams
“I am so grateful to have met you John, I can always hear your voice in my head to get up and take action no matter how small or ridiculous.

I truly believe that you have to let go of the old in order to let new things in, sometimes difficult to implement, but one step at a time. I continue to look for opportunities, started writing (something I have always wanted to do), travel and live life with confidence instead of fear.

Thank you again for being an amazing role model.”
“At this event I have learned quite quickly to shift from a very negative point of view to a very positive strong point of view...I am really amazed and I recommend everyone to come here and do this. 100x ROI” 
“I am super excited because I know that over the last couple days what I have learned I am going to take home and be able to 10x my income. If you have any questions about doing it, don't question it. Just do it!”
100 Days Of Access To The Exceptional Life Coaching Program 'Achievers Group'
Put Yourself In The Best Possible Environment For Growth ($3,000 Value)
The power of community and tribe is needed most during difficult times.

By working together and supporting each other, we become stronger and can accomplish more.

The Exceptional Life Coaching Program and its community will give you a huge advantage.

You’ll learn from each other, celebrate success together, and help each other through the hard times.

The advice and perspective provided by the group will be invaluable. 
Helping others will reinforce what you’ve learned, and you’ll feel proud when you contribute by sharing your wisdom and support with other members.

The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your thoughts, beliefs, and attitude. This community will steep you in the best environment you could ask for.

Have a look at what my clients have achieved
 when they work with me…

“Being part of the community is helping me to get through the "sticky" points or what John Assaraf and the other success training experts call "switch cost" that often puts a halt to progress. I've been part of coaching groups before and I have yet to see the main leader and experts as active as John and his staff of experts are in this group. SOOO worth the investment.”
Michelle E.
“My book, 'Healing From The Inside Out: Overcome Chronic Disease And Radically Change Your Life, ' will be released on Amazon and bookstores worldwide this September. This has been a lifelong dream and I'd like to thank John and Mark for their superb coaching through this group which was instrumental in helping me achieve this monumental goal.”
Dr. Nauman N.
100 Days of Access to Our On-Demand 
Million Dollar Video Success Library
*Includes Over 100 Master Class Video Trainings ($5,000 Value)
This library is jam-packed with video training masterclasses from world-class experts who know exactly what it takes to succeed, even during the most difficult times.

Imagine having a NETFLIX-like library to rapidly accelerate your knowledge and skills right now. You will be on a track to achieve greater success, faster and easier than ever before. (These amazing video trainings are a game changer for you and your team). 

More importantly, these experts know how to get YOU to adopt the same mindset and strategies that made them successful so you can skip the long learning curve and achieve the success you deserve sooner than you thought possible. You do deserve it.

The information and skills in this library took me a lifetime to learn. Now, I want to share them with you, so you don’t have to spend valuable time making the same mistakes I did. You can benefit from my experience, and from the experiences of all the other success experts who’ve shared their wisdom.
If you want to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to...
  • Master your mindset...
  • Advance your career...
  • Increase your income...
  • Get out of debt fast...
  • Grow your business...
  • Improve your health, and...
  • Achieve extraordinary success…
The 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program and the Million Dollar Success Library perfect for you.
If, on the other hand, you’d like to keep getting the same results you always have, you should close this page now. But, my guess is that you aren’t satisfied with what is going on now and that you’re hungry for a way to accelerate your success.

Allow me to introduce you to just a few of the many experts featured in the Million Dollar Success Library who you’ll get to know during the coming months–if you decide to join the program...
Dr. Srini Pillay
Dr. Srini Pillay is a Harvard professor, brain imaging researcher, and bestselling author considered to be one of the leading psychiatrists and brain experts in the world. He works with Fortune 500 companies and world leaders to help them maximize their potential.
Mark Waldman
Mark Waldman is the author of 13 books, including the national bestseller "How God Changes Your Brain." He is considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on consciousness, communication, spirituality, and the brain. His work has been published in journals throughout the world.
Dr. Sarah McKay, PhD
Dr. Sarah McKay, PhD is a respected neuroscientist educated at Oxford and the founder of the Neuroscience Academy. She specialises in translating brain science research into simple, actionable strategies for peak performance, creativity, health and wellbeing.
Dr. David Krueger, MD
Dr. David Krueger, MD is an Executive Mentor Coach and CEO of MentorPath®, an executive coaching, training, publishing, and wellness firm. He is the author of 17 books and numerous articles and scientific papers on self-development, money, success, and wellness.
and many more...
“Currently watching Brian Tracy (Doubling your income & earning ability) from the Million Dollar Success Training Library. WOW, great, great topics, impressive. Having the opportunity to learn from all these great people is so phenomenal! Dear John Assaraf, thank you again and again and again and again for your fantastic work and collecting all these mind-changing topics. Love it!!”
Susanne S.
7 Day Millionaire Mindset Quickstart Program
*Change Your Brain So You Can Change Your Financial Results ($197 Value)
The precise methods to earn more, manage better, and invest wisely has never been easier to find, and yet there is still a massive gap between those who live in abundance and those who live in scarcity or have just enough to make ends meet.

According to the latest brain research, everything you achieve is because of the way your subconscious mind has been conditioned and programmed. You will never earn more money or have more in your life than your brain has been conditioned to expect.

It’s not enough to consciously want greater financial success. You must retrain your brain at the deepest levels, in order to actualize and achieve it. In order to succeed financially there are several key “internal” factors that must be aligned in order to create brain, heart, and gut coherence instead of chaos.

In this mini course, you will discover exactly how to develop a powerful financial abundance mindset and you will learn exactly how to reprogram your subconscious mind with the beliefs, habits and new financial set points that will drive your money making and wealth generating behaviors. 
What you will discover and learn in this course...
  • What is money REALLY and how you can have more of it…
  • Why your self worth determines your net worth and how to upgrade it fast…
  • How to develop a powerful money mindset…
  • The 4 key obstacles to financial success and how to overcome them…
  • A foolproof process to achieve all your financial goals…
  • The power of Innercising and priming your brain for financial success…
“The program has been very insightful! A great combo of practical tools and mindset excellence. Especially how our mind steers us wrong and what to do to get it right. I really enjoyed it!”


12 Laser Consulting Sessions
*Change Your Brain So You Can Change Your Financial Results ($1500 Value)
Extract the maximum value out of the 100 Days To Financial Success Accelerator Program by watching the recorded sessions of John Assaraf answering your most pressing business questions during the 12 Laser Consulting Sessions.

You will see and hear immediate solutions to the most common problems and current challenges, thus allowing you to accelerate your success faster and easier than ever before.

Yes, these calls have been recorded are available to you immediately when you log into your member's area.

Reinforce what you’re learning by watching these training.

  7 Expert Trainings On Real Estate Investing, Stock Market Investing, Business Growth, and How to Succeed as an Employee...
*Learn What’s Working Today From Experts On The ‘Front Lines’ 
I’ve spent most of my life making connections with the world’s leading experts in a huge variety of areas so I would always have the most up to date information--something I consider absolutely vital for my decision making process.

I’ve asked several of these experts to share their experience and outlook with you, and they’ve agreed. If you apply the advice from just ONE of these bonus expert trainings correctly, it will be worth more than the $2,000 value of all four.
You'll get access to these 7 expert trainings when you join the 100 Days Program:

Bonus Training #1

Pivoting and Shifting with Adam Markel

Bonus Training #2

How to Logically Invest in the Stock Market with Phil Town

Bonus Training #3

How to Invest in Real Estate for Unlimited Cash Flow with Kent Clothier

Bonus Training #4

High Performance Mindset and Behaviors with Niurka

Bonus Training #5

Business Growth During Chaotic Times with Roland Frasier

Bonus Training #6

Investing in the Stock Market Q&A with Michael Tedesco

Bonus Training #7

Finding the Right Real Estate Opportunity with Jon Kikel
For the 1st 25 People Who Order Now You'll Get Access To The Recordings of the 3 Day MONEY² Live Event
*The Art & Science of Financial Success ($3,500 Value)
When you take the 1 payment option of $997 and join the 100 Days To Financial Success Program you’ll get instant access to video recordings of the empowering 3 Day MONEY² live event that participants paid $3500 - $5,000 to attend. The caliber of speakers at this event was mind-blowing.

When you watch, you’ll learn principles, techniques, strategies and lessons normally only reserved for the super-rich.
Rather than tell you about the event in detail, allow me to introduce you to some of the many people who have attended a MONEY² event in the past...
"I thought it was such a fantastic event that I brought my two sons with me."
"After attending this event I feel confident that I have the skills I need to increase my income 10X."
"I expect to triple my income within the next year."
"With what I have learned here there is no doubt that I will achieve all my goals and 5x my income."
"I believe the right teacher comes at the right time. I have learned so much in the last 2 days. It’s helping me to let go of some of my old fears that have been with me forever and just know that there's another way to approach them. I am excited about what I have learned here."
"I am learning a lot at the Money² Event. I am expecting that I am going to at least 10x my income with the information that were getting out here and I am excited to put it to work back home."
"I feel myself really energized and I can see how I have been limiting my success and now see the pathway to overcoming this and achieving more than I have ever imagined."
"At this event I have learned quite quickly to shift from a very negative point of view to a very positive strong point of view...I am really amazed and I recommend everyone to come here and do this."
Let’s do a quick recap of what you’re about to get…
 100 Days To Financial Success Accelerator Program

• 100 Days Of Financial Success Training With John Assaraf

8 In-Depth Trainings With John Assaraf


• BONUS #1: 100 Days In The Exceptional Life Coaching Program

(Put Yourself In The Best Possible Environment For Growth)


• BONUS #2: 100 Days Of On-Demand Access To The Million Dollar Success Library $5,000

(Includes Over 100 Master Class Video Trainings)


• BONUS #3: 7 Days To A Millionaire Mindset Quickstart Program

(Change Your Brain So You Can Change Your Financial Results)


• BONUS #4: 12 Laser Consulting Sessions

(The most pressing financial questions being answered by John Assaraf)


• PAY IN FULL BONUS: 7 Expert Trainings On Wealth Management, Wealth Creation, Real Estate, Investing And More

(Learn What’s Working Today From Experts On The ‘Front Lines’)


• FIRST 25 PEOPLE: Recordings of the 3 Day MONEY² Live Event

(The Art & Science of Financial Success)



 YOU SAVE (93%)





I like to reward those who take immediate action, so if you’re one of the first 100 people to sign up you’ll only pay $997 for everything I’ve described above. I’ll guarantee this price until the first 100 people take action, but only until then.

I’ve even included a financing option so you can pay in four installments. Put $395 down today then make three more payments of $395 (one payment a month).

Or, if you qualify for PayPal’s Bill Me Later feature, you can get everything mentioned here and not pay a dime for 6 months.

I also offer a 30 Day Risk Free Guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, simply send me an email and I’ll promptly refund your money. If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. I offer this guarantee to give you peace of mind, to make it easier for you to take a leap. (And, it’s easy to offer a money back guarantee when almost nobody ever takes you up on it!)

  • 8 In-Depth Training Sessions With John Assaraf (26+ Hours of Critical Training)...
  • BONUS #1: 100 Days Of Access to the Exceptional Life Coaching Program...
  • BONUS #2: 100 Days Of On-Demand Access To The Million Dollar Success Library
  • BONUS #3: 7 Days To A Millionaire Mindset Quickstart Program...
  • BONUS #4: 12 Laser Consulting Sessions...
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 4 Expert Trainings On Wealth Management & Wealth Creation...
  • FIRST 25 PEOPLE: Recordings of the 3 Day MONEY² Live Event…
  • All Together That's A Total Value Of $19,700!
One Time Payment Of
4 Monthly Payments Of
Click a button above to join the live 100 Days to Financial Success Accelerator Program (and get the bonuses)!
  • For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server using SSL 256-bit encryption technology.
100% Money Back Action-Takers Guarantee
I have a philosophy: If I can’t change your life for the better, I don’t deserve your money. So, let's make a deal. I'll give you a 100% risk-free 30 day money back guarantee...if you promise to go through the program.

When you invest in The 100 Days To Financial Success Accelerator Program today you'll get instant access to the private membership site, the videos, and the workbooks so you can start the program immediately. 
Complete the program, and if you don't start seeing results in the first 30 days (you will), just show me your work and I will happily refund your money.

To be eligible for this risk-free guarantee, you DO have to do the work. If you don't do the work, you won't get the results, and I can't guarantee you'll do the work. All I can guarantee is that this program WORKS.

Does that sound fair?
Need Help Ordering Or Have Questions?
If you have any questions about the the program please contact our world class support team. They will be happy to be of assistance.

  NeuroGym Customer Support 
Phone: (858) 227-4971 
Email: support@myneurogym.com 


John Assaraf is one of the leading mindset and behavior experts in the world. He has built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books, and has been featured in 10 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

Today, he is founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals unleash their fullest potential and maximize their results.

Join John Assaraf for 100 Days That Will Transform Your Life
PO Box 5005 #138
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Phone (858) 227-4971
Email: support@myneurogym.com


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